Thursday, October 11, 2012

Kirkman Labs Super Nu Thera

Its been about a week since we began giving Liam Super Nu Thera, and two days since he has received the full dosage (its recommended to work up to the full dosage amount, which for him is a teaspoon. The amount is based on weight.).

I am not sure if its the Super Nu Thera, but the past two nights he has gone to bed with no fight. He was always a good bed time person until he reached 2. then something happened idontknowwhat, and for the most part its been a battle since to get him to bed. He would occasionally got through calmer periods but always went back to fight the good ol bedtime fight. He does sleep through the night though thank God, since he was 6 months. I have heard of a lot of children like Liam who wander the house at night because they cant sleep. So thank goodness for that and i am grateful.
But its tough so hopefully the supplements really are making a difference and we can finally get a bit of relief from the bedtime battles. :)

 He also has been doing really well at school. Miss Jill and his bus driver reported that on the bus Liam was smiling, laughing and playing around. At school today he was in good spirits and was well behaved up until the end of the day, during speech therapy. She said she thinks that he was just over it and maybe got a little overwhelmed, which can happen from one moment to the other and that is ok. He completed all but one of the play therapies and began throwing a fit so she just let it go and he was fine after that.
Also he been going pee pee in the potty for her which is awesome, and here at home i am also putting him on the potty throughout the day but he wont go for me!  He went for daddy the other day, so what the what? LOL

Anyways, it was good to hear her say how much he has improved. My goal is to get him to 3 days a week instead of just 2 because i feel he needs it. Also since we wont be able to get any additional speech therapy or OT on our own until the new year (i hate insurance companies) i pretty much only have the school to fall back on for his therapies until then, so i know it would be beneficial to him.
I spoke to miss jill about it today and she said that since he is still adjusting we don't want to overwhelm him and that we should discuss it again after the holiday. I don't necessarily agree but am willing to wait it out for a bit.

I also was lucky enough to receive a mentor, through the TACA mentor-ship program, which rocks. we began emailing a bit today and i am so grateful to be able to have someone, a parent that has gone through the same things we are going through now, to bounce things off of and just get some all around general guidance and advice. It feels good to have someone that been though it, period. I know there are thousands and thousands of families like us out here and unfortunately that number is growing, but it can still sometimes feel like you are just floating out there...

 On a positive note my new mentor gave me a bunch of really great resources to check out. I will also be applying for the katie beckett waiver once we get an official diagnoses and from what i understand it pays for any and all therapies Liam needs that isn't covered by our insurance. Which is like all of them LOL (The madness i tell ya THE MADNESS lol) Another plus about the waiver is that they dont go off of income which for us is good because we are right in the middle of fucked and not so fucked for lack of better terminology. (this whole process is really making me curse like a sailor! lol oh well, good thing its just a word. haha so simma down nah! )
So PRAY! Pray that we get the waiver. God KNOWS we need it. Even if you don't normally pray just do it. DO IT! For us. For that precious little face below in that adorable picture :)


So as i was saying.......
We have some positive interactions taking place over the next few months. I feel that the coming year will only get better for Liam and us.
How can it not, when you have faith. And a brain ;)
Besides, look at  that face. How can that face not bring instant joy to your heart?
Man i love that boy. Funny thing is he doesn't even know just how much :)

One of my favorite movie quotes goes: "Its all happening!"

Its all happening.
Truth is , sometimes you just have to make it happen. And I am.

And so, we continue to soar....