Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dont follow the herd. Do your research, ask questions and don't be afraid to follow your instincts.

I realize this article discusses more than just the link between vaccines and autism. The impact of over vaccinating our population is much wider than that. But i just wanted to share our particular story.

While i don't believe Liam's autism was caused by vaccines i do agree that vaccines, particularly the MMR and DPV1  can be a trigger for children who are at a higher risk of developing autism. Liam autism is known as infantile autism, we noticed little things from very early on in his infancy.
However, the majority of cases i have come across are from children developing autism at a later age, usually around 18 months or so. These children regressed developmentally after receiving those particular vaccines. Another major trigger i have noticed a lot in my research for young children is overexposure to antibiotics.
Prior to this journey that we are on with Liam i knew nothing and didn't ask questions about vaccines, i just followed the herd. I am not against vaccinating by any means. But i agree there are safer ways to go about it and there are some vaccines that we just dont know enough about yet to know if there are safe and some are that are just unnecessary all together, in my opinion. We are delaying the twins vaccines until they are little older, more particularly MMR and DPV1 which we are going to put off until they are over the age of 2.  Aafter researching and because of their higher risk, this is our choice for our family.
Don't follow the herd. Educate yourselves. Ask questions.

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