It was a fairly brief appointment, being the initial evaluation, to see if Liam qualifies for further services, which he does.
The next appointment will be an almost all day event, and will be the official eval and diagnosis.
I am pushing for an official diagnosis (which seems to be happening
at a snails pace, due to insurance loops and hurdles), so that i can
then apply for the Katie Beckett waiver/Deeming waiver. With the waiver
we will be able to provide Liam with everything he needs, therapies,
The only downfall is that the waiting list for our next appt at Marcus is eternal. Our next appointment isn't until March. :/
We will have to make due until then.
Hopefully when Jasons insurance changes in January we can get some additional therapies going for him then.
They put us on a few other waiting lists- one to get
him in to the the Language and Learning workshop which i have heard
wonderful things about, and the other for the Feeding therapy workshop,
so we can work on some of his oral sensitivities and issues (chewing,
putting inappropriate things in his mouth like pens, rocks..etc...) and hopefully get
him eating some more and some new foods.
Also, they provided us with some toilet training
instruction and ideas that might be able to help us here at home with
potty training.
Lastly, but just as important-
they provided us with Instructions and Follow up/Patient Instructions.
In it they have recommended that Liam attend a
preschool program 5 days a week, stating that he would benefit most from
a Daily Program, that he needs the Cognitive Stimulation and the Daily
Social Interaction.
Also noted is Liam's Fine Motor delay as well as Speech delay.
But, since he is already receiving speech they recommended we also obtain the OT to help with his fine motor delays.
He is currently attending only 2 days a week. I have felt for a while, that this was nto enough, and had previously requested going to a 3 day, to no avail.
He is currently attending only 2 days a week. I have felt for a while, that this was nto enough, and had previously requested going to a 3 day, to no avail.
So i went with this information to his teacher, in the hopes that we would be able to make the appropriate changes to his schedule and add the OT, which i have been asking for since the beginning.
The answer- Basically, no to all of the above. She doesn't think he is "ready" more days. I was even willing to comprimise and start slow, going to just 3 days. One more day.
No to that as well. A big fat no no and no all the way around.
At the end of the conversation she basically said we could "revisit" the topic again come the new year and discuss MAYBE going to 3 days a week.
I let her know that i dont agree, that i think he definitley would benefit from even just the ONE extra day. I mean, evreything i read and see about kids like Liam say that 5 days a week is best. I should have asked for it from the get, but i didnt know any better at the time. Live and learn.
We are even willing to wait until the new year to add more days being that it is really just a few months away and i am trying NOT to to be a total bitch about it. Iget that we are coming in to the holiday seasona nd she may have a schedule or plan already set for all the kids in her classes and what have you. Fine.
When January rolls in, we will not accept no for an answer and will not WAIT anymore either.
Needless to say, i disagree with his teacher, Jason disagrees and most of the people i have spoken to who are knowledgeable in the matter also disagree.
No to that as well. A big fat no no and no all the way around.
At the end of the conversation she basically said we could "revisit" the topic again come the new year and discuss MAYBE going to 3 days a week.
I let her know that i dont agree, that i think he definitley would benefit from even just the ONE extra day. I mean, evreything i read and see about kids like Liam say that 5 days a week is best. I should have asked for it from the get, but i didnt know any better at the time. Live and learn.
We are even willing to wait until the new year to add more days being that it is really just a few months away and i am trying NOT to to be a total bitch about it. Iget that we are coming in to the holiday seasona nd she may have a schedule or plan already set for all the kids in her classes and what have you. Fine.
When January rolls in, we will not accept no for an answer and will not WAIT anymore either.
Needless to say, i disagree with his teacher, Jason disagrees and most of the people i have spoken to who are knowledgeable in the matter also disagree.
This entire process can be so incredibly frustrating. It seems at every turn i am met with resistance, someone pushing back, someone putting up another wall for me to have to pound down, someone making us wait.
I am so sick of it .
You know, this whole situation is challenging all by itself. You would think that others would try to make it just A LITTLE bit easier for the parents who are only trying to do the best thing for their kid.
Thats all i want, is just to give Liam the things he needs. Now . Not tomorrow. Now. He needs it now. This is such an important time in his development and last thing we need are more obstacles in our way of progress.
Ya know?!?!?!
Ya know?!?!?!
More than likely unless something drastic changes between now and January, we are going to have be assholes and go above his teacher to get what we want and need, and then the dynamic between her and i will change and i hate confrontation and all this could just be so easily resolved.
And and and.
I have started to look in to private schools. There is a school in fayeteville called The Joseph Sams School and it looks absolutlely wonderful.
I am not sure if we will be able to afford it, but they do provide scholorships so i have begun looking in to that as a possible option.
So, I am trying my very hardest to be patient, reminding myself this is a marathon and not a sprint, and that ulimatley all i can do is try my hardest and the rest is in Gods hands.
All we can do is continue to soar...and we do :)