Saturday, November 17, 2012

Our new Pediatrician

We had our first visit with Dr. Jill Dickerson last week.

As I said to Karri, my TACA Parent Mentor- Dr. Jill is a Godsend.

*I have updated the original TACA Mentorship program blog post, continuing my email communications with Karri.*

It is refreshing to finally have a doctor who get it and is on board with Team Liam and soon to be Team Sam and Daisy too :). Team 3 little birds!
I am feeling blessed to have found Dr. Jill.

For now, no new breakthroughs to report really, but we have been maintaining a positive climb for the most part.
We only had one minor set back this past week, which made me realize just how sensitive his little body is to certain things.
Soy, in this case.
Shortly after going GFCF I realized that we would also more than likely need to go Soy free as well. Last weeks blip just makes me realize that we are on the right path. Got to keep on keeping on. :)

To learn more about going Gluten, Casein (Dairy) and Soy free and its direct relation to Autism click here.

But, he has such a limited palate and such few foods that he WILL eat, that i attempted incorporating a few other foods this week that were gfcf but had soy, to mix it up a bit. (Vans waffles and pancakes and ore ida tater tots which uses some soy oil in preparation).

Lo and behold, this week his behaviors, moods and attentiveness seemingly went back to like, 2 or 3 months ago. The addition of the soy in his diet that week is the only thing i can think to link it to.
So, no more soy for him since yesterday and we'll have to just see how it goes, see if his overall behaviors improve or not. I think they will.  Just going to have to get a little more creative in the food department, no big whoop.

Dr. Jill recommended getting Kirkman Labs Pro Bio Gold as Liams probiotic, so we will be ordering that shortly. To learn more about probiotics and Autism click here.

We are also going to begin battling yeast overgrowth, and he'll be getting a prescription to aid in the process. I am waiting until after thanksgiving to begin giving it to him, since the 1st few weeks of the gettingridofyeastbattle will be a little challenging from what i understand.  But then after the initial few weeks we will begin to see some more positive changes in behaviors. Bring it on.
To learn more about Yeast overgrowth and Autism click here.

So, soon we will be going GFCFSF AND Yeast free too. I kinda already started eliminating foods in his diet that had yeast, which actually weren't that many anyway, and the foods that did have yeast are replaceable.

One day... after we have gone down this initial path of discovery...i hope to be able look back on these days with a smile, knowing how far we've come and to see all of the wonderful progress we've made.

We will get there.

For now we continue to soar.

Love and light, 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Kirkman Labs TMG with Folic Acid and B12 Powder

On Wednesday we began Liam on a new supplement, Kirkman Labs TMG with Folic Acid and B12 powder. He takes half of the recommended dose (since the recommend dose is meant for adults),and since there is no measuring spoon for half of 1/3 tsp or even a 1/3tsp measuring spoon , i just give him a little less that 1/4 tsp. Works for us. I mix it in his applesauce and it blends right in, no funky flavor at all.
TMG is meant to promote a healthy brain function and in kids with Autism, may help to spur speech.
We shall see!
For a little more info on TMG and its benefits, for anyone and evreyone, click here.
For a little more info on TMG and its benefits for Autism, click here.

So far the only noticible difference has been that he seems to tolerate daisys screeching and crying a little better since taking it.
I will update any changes in his behaviors in the comments section.

And so we continue to soar!